Start Weight: 225lbs (10/2009) Goal Weight: 150lbs

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I don't even eat this crap!

But believe me .. I eat a whole lot of other crap! :0) And all of this stuff looked yummy and ultra tempting today. Do you know why all this stuff might be tempting to someone that doesn't even eat it?

a.) I'm crazy

b.) I'm scared

c.) It's the 1st day of 11 days of Pre-Op diet

d.) All of the above

Did you say 'd' .. well then DING DING DING (and not the sugary ones) we have a winner!! I'm all of those things today and it's only day one!

I have lots and lots of confidence that I can do this.. it just seems a bit overwhelming today..

"Work in Progress" me has decided to stick around for the long haul ..and I feel like I did really good last week..

Tried really hard to work on portion sizes ..

Went to the gym three times ..and had great sweat-filled workouts

I'm still having a hard time getting in all my water .. but it's an improvement to what I'm used to drinking during the day.

I'm working on a post (maybe to be put up tonight) .. with some more before pics.. cause who doesn't love a little bit of torture on a Sunday! :0)

And I was inspired by reading Catherine's Blog:
to make a Pro/Con list .. I think it helps to have small goals along the way to a big one ..with some non-food rewards.

So here's to 11 days of more protein shakes that I could ever ever want to drink in my entire life...

here's a pic of my little dude as we were leaving the grocery store today .. he was having a full blown "pretend" converstation on his "phone" .. filled with "uh huh's" and pausing to let the other person talk too .. he's got quite the imagination .. :0)


  1. This is exactly why diets don't work. You know you can't have something, so it makes you want it - even if you don't normally want it. WTF! Your son is such cutie.

  2. I think your son was talking to Hostess to tell them you weren't buying!

    You'll get through the pre-op drinks just like the rest of us. I don't think any of us could believe we could but we did, and so will you.

  3. Love the pic of your son! The pre-op phase is by far the hardest. At least it was for me. Blogging helped!

  4. When you get down about the pre-op diet just look at that picture and think about how much more fun you can with him when you're in better shape.

  5. He is a cutie! Good luck on the pre-op diet!!

  6. that pic is so cute! :-) regarding those zingers...the THOUGHT of them is much better than they actually are!
    keep up the good work on your preop!
